Monday, September 30, 2019

American Unions in the Twenty First Century

The number of people joining labor unions in the United States today is declining. Scholars offer several reasons for this decline. Globalization happens to be one of the reasons, seeing as international outsourcing has become common especially in the area of manufacturing. The most important reason, however, appears to be that the organization has begun to view the employees’ interests as its own, thanks to the budding field of organizational behavior. Introduction In the United States, union membership had peaked in the year 1954 with at least 28.3% of all employed workers joining labor unions. In the year 2003, however, only 11. 5% of employees were known to be union members. The number of employed workers in the U. S. who had joined labor unions was at a peak in the year 1979. There were approximately 21 million union members all across the country at the time. In the year 2003, on the other hand, there were only 15. 8 million union members in the nation. Labor unions were essentially important because they allowed union members to collectively demand higher wages and better working conditions.The demand for higher wages had to be curtailed in the face of globalization, however. Faced by global competition, American organizations began to demand concessions during the late 1970s. They could no longer listen to labor unions’ demands for very high wages seeing that expensive American products and services – due to the high price of labor in the country – could not be efficiently sold in the foreign markets. In the 1980s, there were â€Å"widespread manufacturing layoffs and plant closings† in the country.Another important aspect of globalization had showed up – that of hiring cheap labor in countries where new manufacturing plants could be set up by the American organization in order to cut its costs. As an example, â€Å"toys can be produced more cheaply in China than in the United States or France. This makes it ge nerally unprofitable to have toy factories employing workers in these richer countries (except for upscale toys); it also means American and French workers can enjoy the benefits of lower price toys. †In the year 1981, former President Ronald Reagan announced that air traffic controllers on strike as members of a union had to be fired. After all, strikes are costly for the economy as a whole. More than a decade later in 1992, when the United Auto Workers went on strike, the Caterpillar Corporation threatened to replace them all permanently, following the example of Mr. Reagan. The company was successful through this tactic in breaking the strike. Even today, Wal-Mart and other big corporations are known to stifle union efforts.What is more, the government is said to encourage employers in failing to listen to the demands of union members. The Washington Post reports that the government is known to â€Å"allow employers to block union-certification elections and use stalling t actics and threats to discourage organizing drives. † The main reason for this appears to be the fact that the American organizations have now found a better way to deal with employee grievances, and to essentially satisfy all employees. Union memberships that have the potential to create difficulties for businesses as well as the economy as a whole are being discouraged.The union method of strike, for example, costs a great deal to businesses in addition to the economy. Organizations had to find a more convenient way to make their employees more productive and to satisfy them at the same time. Thus came into being the field of organizational behavior. Organizational Behavior Removes the Need for Union Membership The most important reason for the diminishing role of labor unions in the United States appears to be the direct opposite of a labor strike: the satisfaction of the labor force.According to a federal publication published in the year 2004, â€Å"employers may have be come more sensitive to employee concerns, resulting in greater job satisfaction among nonunion workers and reducing the demand for unionization. On the other hand, management may have become more sophisticated in opposing attempts by workers to unionize† Indeed, both of the above reasons for the diminishing role of union membership are true. Employers have really become more sensitive to the concerns of the employees, thanks to organizational behavior.Moreover, the management of American companies has been improved, also thanks to organizational behavior. The twenty first century began with a great deal of excitement especially as the innovatory technologies of the twentieth century started to appear commonplace and every organization had already been supplied with tools through academic research to deal with additional organizational changes in the offing. The discipline of organizational behavior had been through its trials and tests, finally emerging as an indispensable are a of learning for all twenty first century managers to have gone through.Arthur P. Brief and Howard M. Weiss describe this relatively new field of applied psychology thus: â€Å"The organizations in which people work affect their thoughts, feelings, and actions in the workplace and away from it. Likewise, people’s thoughts, feelings, and actions affect the organizations in which they work. Organizational behavior is an area of inquiry concerned with both sorts of influence: work organizations on people and people on work organizations. † Organizations act as the engine of the American economy in our day.So, for the first time in the latter half of the previous century, the psychology of workers in an American organization became a focal issue in studying organizations. Employee development, organizational cultures, organizational citizenship, work attitudes, organizational attachment, job design, leadership, turnover, absenteeism, and employee work motivation turned ou t to be the centers of attention with advances in psychological theory and changes in the workplace. There were developments in the understanding of cognition, personality, and emotion, and their respective influences on work choices as well as goal striving.The entire human resources departments of the United States were revolutionized at the same time as technological, economic and organizational changes encouraged further research on the influence of socio-cultural in addition environmental factors on employee motivation. The emergence of new paradigms, theories, and organizational concerns did not only provide a rich matrix for the exploration of organizational behavior, but also provided firms with a rather attractive theoretical framework for organizational behavior modification, and in general, the art of running a firm with special reference to its people.As a matter of fact, organizational behavior turned out to be at least as important as computer technology to an American organization. In order to compete in foreign as well as domestic markets, the American organization was required to produce high quality products at low costs. This mission was most likely to be accomplished through satisfied and productive labor, rather than union members on strike. What is more, in order to deal with the organizational changes brought about through the introduction of new technologies, organizations had to learn the principles of organizational change through organizational behavior theories.Indeed, these theories performed their job rather well by helping organizations to introduce technological change effectively. The employees were pleased with the organizational efforts using theories to predict and manage their behavior in the organization. According to Fred Luthans: We found that Organizational Behavior Modification had an average increase of 17% in employee performance. We think that is pretty impressive, especially when you consider many technological inn ovations or some of the better known human resource techniques suchas goal setting do not have evidence of that big an impact. In addition, we also found through†¦meta-analysis some significant theory driven moderators. Specifically, we found that the type of organization and the type of contingent reinforcement intervention moderates the relationship between Organizational Behavior Modification and employee performance. For example, we found that Organizational Behavior Modification had a bigger impact in manufacturing organizations, approximately 33% average improvement, than in serviceorganizations at about 10%. However, it must be remembered that this 10% is still highly significant and can make a big difference in the labor intensive service industry. Whereas the manufacturing industry had traditionally been filled with union members, organizational behavior modification made it possible for the American manufacturing organization to satisfy its employees without a union, especially toward the end of the twentieth century when union membership was falling dramatically.This, indeed, is a big achievement for the field of organizational behavior. Organizations had learned to satisfy their employees without the need for unions to voice the employees’ concerns. By the commencement of the twenty first century, a modern field close to the heart of organization behavior had also been introduced by the name of organizational development.For the present century, organizational development consultants have pointed out the following trends: (1) The range of organizational development techniques is expected to expand, spurred mainly by the information explosion; (2) The number of employees involved in organizational development would increase, which implies that all members of the organization would have to show interest in all phases of organizational operation; (3) It will be increasingly important to improve organizational communication; and (4) The imp lications for organizational behavior – including stress, responsibility, and learning – would be repeatedly addressed.The United States has led the global research into organizational behavior, and there is new information about the field expected in the future with further research. The second prediction of the organizational development experts is that the American organization of the near future would give greater importance to all employees by involving everybody in virtually everything. By increasing the importance of employees in the perspective of the organization, the American firm would continue to lower union membership, seeing as the satisfied employee who participates in virtually all organizational efforts would not need the support of unions.Organizational communication is already very efficient through the use of new technologies. The latest software and Internet-based applications help to bridge communication gaps between employers and employees in all states of America and across the globe. As a matter of fact, Information technology has gifted the organization with new communications tools that allow collaboration in addition to cooperation in the form of wireless communications, electronic mail, shared electronic databases, videoconferencing, and various other groupware technologies.Lastly, the organizational development consultants understand that the organization would continue to take increasing interest in the wellness of its employees. Factors like stress and learning would continue to be addressed. By addressing stress, the organization shows its employees that it cares about their wellbeing. By addressing learning, the organization cares for their essential intellectual and professional growth. In point of fact, progressive organizational behavior theories that stress the need for greater organizational learning are uniquely significant in the twenty first century.In the fast changing business environment, successful Am erican organizations promote learning by getting everyone focused on a common objective; allowing easy communications between and among all members; and then allowing the system to self-organize and to reconfigure itself so as to deal effectively with the emerging new environment. Before the widespread application of organizational behavior theories, it must have been quite stressful to introduce change among union members. Today, if an employee is unhappy at the job, he or she may communicate with the employer in the matter of a few minutes using electronic mail.Perhaps the most important achievement of organizational behavior theories in the United States is that these theories have made the employers realize the true significance of their employees. Consider the following examples of organizational leaders that have tapped their human resources potential: Take Bill Gates, the ultimate techie but a great leader. A reason he has done so well is because he believes in the people par t of his leadership role. In fact, one of his quotes that I like is â€Å"My inventory, the value of my company, walks out the door every night.† I think Gates appreciates the human side of enterprise. He has reward systems, he has teams, he has all the things we talk about in Human Resources; you can find not only the most sophisticated technology in the world, but also textbook examples of effective Organizational Behavior/Human Resources at Microsoft. Gates is obviously the ultimate techie, but he is also appreciative, and an effective leader of human resources. So is Jeff Bezos, the cyber architect of Amazon. com. All of his top people have become millionaires through his HumanResources policies of sharing the wealth through pay for performance and stock ownership in this amazing e-commerce firm. Conclusion Who needs union membership when employers equipped with the new theoretical tools of organizational behavior are wiling to go out of the way to satisfy their employees ? This question leads all researchers to expect that union membership would continue to diminish in the twenty first century. New research into employee satisfaction would continue to enlighten employers.Moreover, employees will be quick to notice the changes brought about through organizational behavior tools, given the advancement in technology that makes it possible for organizational communication to take place at all levels within moments. Although the research for this paper encompassed a variety of reasons suggested for the decline in union membership across the United States in recent decades, organizational behavior appeared to have played the most important role in the diminishing role of labor unions. This is because of the employee satisfaction factor in the organization today.If employees were merely being discouraged by the government or the organization taking actions against union membership, or if they were truly unsatisfied only on the basis of lower wages as a res ult of increased competition and globalization, America’s economy would not have achieved a high rate of growth because employees would have found a way to disturb the organization as well as the economy as whole. However, this did not happen. Rather, employees grew to be satisfied, their productivity increased, and the principal reason why this happened was because employers began to take greater interest in the wellbeing of their employees.By addressing stress, for example, employers ensured that their employees would be mentally and emotionally well in order to perform their job functions most efficiently. Furthermore, employers were made to realize that their employees might have to be involved in the entire organizational process in order to be more interested in their work. Finally, employers who were learned in organizational behavior theories, for example, Bill Gates, appeared to make employees feel that they truly are an integral part of the organization. No more did employees have to be concerned about monetary payments alone.Instead, the workplace was made a truly satisfying and stimulating experience, thanks to organizational behavior theories. Employees could feel that they were a part of the organizational culture. The value of organizational citizenship was additionally recognized. Hence, once again, who needs to join labor unions in order to find more work satisfaction? The American worker has responded to the application of organizational behavior theories and found group satisfaction in organizational teams. The application of organizational behavior theories has been the major reason for the diminishing role of labor unions in the U.S. , and will continue to be the main reason for a decline in union membership in the twenty first century. There is no reason to believe in another direction that union membership might take in the twenty first century. Works Cited 1. â€Å"21st Century Organizational Development Consulting. † Mana gement 2006 (2001). Retrieved from http://www. manage2001. com/index. htm. Accessed 28 October 2006. 2. Brief, Arthur P. , and Howard M. Weiss. â€Å"Organizational Behavior: Affect In The Workplace. † Annual Review of Psychology, 2002. 3. Edsall, Thomas B. â€Å"Labor's Divisions Widen As Membership Declines.† Washington Post (7 March 2005), p. A02. 4. Hodgetts, Richard M. â€Å"A Conversation On Fred Luthans Leadership In The 21st Century. † Journal of Leadership Studies, 1999. 5. Kanfer, Ruth. â€Å"Work Motivation In The 21st Century: Mapping New Directions For Theory And Research. † Society For Industrial And Organizational Psychology Inc (2006). Retrieved from http://www. siop. org/. Accessed 28 October 2006. 6. Compa, Lance. â€Å"Labor Rights and Labor Standards in International Trade. † Law and Policy in International Business, Volume 25, Issue 1, 1993. 7. Mayer, Gerald. â€Å"Union Membership Trends in the United States.† Congressi onal Research Service (2004). Retrieved from http://digitalcommons. ilr. cornell. edu/key workplace/174. Accessed 7 April 2007. 8. Mowday, Richard T. , and Robert I. Sutton. â€Å"Organizational Behavior: Linking Individuals And Groups To Organizational Contexts. † Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 44, 1993. 9. Peterson, John L. â€Å"Getting Ready For The 21st Century. † USA Today, Vol. 127, May 1999. 10. Walton, Michael. â€Å"Unions In A Global Labor Market. † The World Bank Group. Retrieved from http://www. worldbank. org/mdf/mdf1/index. htm. Accessed 7 April 2007.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

History of Accounting Essay

The name that looms largest in early accounting history is Luca Pacioli, who in 1494 first described the system of double-entry bookkeeping used by Venetian merchants in his Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalita. Of course, businesses and governments had been recording business information long before the Venetians. But it was Pacioli who was the first to describe the system of debits and credits in journals and ledgers that is still the basis of today’s accounting systems. The industrial revolution spurred the need for more advanced cost accounting systems, and the development of corporations created much larger classes of external capital providers – shareownersand bondholders – who were not part of the firm’s management but had a vital interest in its results. The rising public status of accountants helped to transform accounting into a profession, first in the United Kingdom and then in the United States. In 1887, thirty-one accountants joined together to create the American Association of Public Accountants. The first standardized test for accountants was given a decade later, and the first CPAs were licensed in 1896. The Great Depression led to the creation of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in 1934. Henceforth all publicly-traded companies had to file periodic reports with the Commission to be certified by members of the accounting profession. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and its predecessors had responsibility for setting accounting standards until 1973, when the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) was established. The industry thrived in the late 20th century, as the large accounting firms expanded their services beyond the traditionalauditing function to many forms of consulting. The Enron scandals in 2001, however, had broad repercussions for the accounting industry. One of the top firms, Arthur Andersen, went out of business and, under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, accountants faced tougher restrictions on their consulting engagements. One of the paradoxes of the profession, however, is that accounting scandals generate more work for accountants, and demand for their services continued to boom throughout the early part of the 21st century.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis also known as ALS or Lou Gehrigs disease is a disease. This disease attacks nerve cell and pathways to the brain and the spain cord. The nerve cells that are being attacked control muscle function that control the body mean all motor function as well. When these cell get attacked the start to die off as a result to treat the muscles in the body start to weaken and cause difficulty with speaking, swallowing and breathing. This disease can cause people to stop breathing as well. It is a rare disease that only 20,000 to 30,000 people in the USA are found with this disease. However it is the most common motor mondo disease among adults. About 5,000 people is diagnosed with this disease per year. It normale shown in people in the age of 40 to 60 but there are some causes that people have it when younger. Men are more likely to get this disease than women. There is a 5 to 10 percent chance that that this disease can be hereditary. If a parent has ALS there i s a 50 percent chances that there child will get this disease. They also found out that in certain places there are is a lower rate of people with ALS these countries include Mexico, Poland and Italy. People with ALS lives has been improving a bit with the new teacher that is being found out about it but this diese still is hard for families and individuals. Today about 10 percent of patients live over ten years after being diagnosed. Twenty live up to five years and more. Then fifty percent of pantion live three years or more. However 80 percent of passion die between two and five years after diagnostic. No one for sure know how ALS caused and who can be expected to get ALS. In most cases about 90 to 95 percent of them do not have a known cause. Some teachers are looking at different thing that they believe may be the cause of ALS. One belief it that is a gene mutation. They found out that various genetic mutations can lead to inherited ALS. This causes nearly the same symptoms as the non inherited form. Then there is chemical imbalances that they are looking at, people with ALS generally have higher level of glutamate. Glutamate is a chemical messenger in the brain and is ar ound the nerve cells in spinal fluid. Too much this chemical can be toxic to some nerve cells. They are also looking into disorganized immune response. This is when an individual immune system states eating there own normal cells. By this the body can start to kill it cell and may even kill itself. There evening looking at mishandling protein. Mishandled proteins within the nerve cells may lead to abnormal forms of proteins in these cells. By this it can cause nerve cells to be destroyed. They are also looking into smoking, Environmental toxin exposure and people in the military service. The diagnostic procedure for AlS is a complicated one. There is not one test or one procedure used to diagnose ALS. It can take up to a year or more to be diagnosed with ALS. To diagnosis ALS lab testing will be done. This includes blood, unian and thyroid function test to be performed. Another thing that is used is Muscle and or never biopsy. Which is where a piece of tissues is removed from a living body and is examined to see if anything look out of the ordinary. A spinal tap can be done as well. This is when the fluid in the spinal cord is evaluated by withdrawing some of that fluid from the spain. X-rays, MRI, and electro diagnostic test could and most likely be done as well to look at the muscles. The signs and symptoms of AlS. The first symptoms of this disease can go unnoticed. However, when time passes on the symptoms become worse. The cell start to die muscles start to weaken and muscle control can stop working.Arm and legs and usually the first to be affected. The starter to become weaker and The indulge with this disease ma y not be able to hold their own weight up evationly and my not be able to move there arms. Arm, shoulder, and the tongue can twitch and cramp. Feet and the ankle can start having less control and can not support ones weight. Breathing can become short and shalwar. The individual may need help with brother further on with this disease. THey may have a hard time swallowing and also may aspirate or inhale food and saliva in the lungs and chock. Most of these people with ALS dis by respiratory failures. Someone with ALS can become paralyzed and may not be able to speak. However ALS normally does not affect the five sense. Which is seeing, hearing, smell, taste and touch along with those the ability to think. There are different types of ALS and each type has there own symtoms that can very. One of the most common ALS in the Classical ALS this ALS affects upper and lower motor neurons cells. It affect more than two-thirds of people who Have ALS. Primary Lateral Sclerosis also known as PLS is a type of ALS. It also the rarest of all the type. The upper neurons is affected firs t. The lower neurons may not be affected for another 2 years but it normal affects the upper neurons the most. Progressive Bulbar Palsy i also know as PBP. This type of ALS starts to affect spanking, chewing and clawing first due to lower motor neurons deteriorate. About one fourth of people with ALS will get this type of ALS. Progressive Muscular Atrophy also known as PMA. This type the lower motor neurons is affected first and in about two years the upper neurons can be affect or may not be affected at all. This type normal stay in the lower neron. The last type that is known is Familial. This is a hereditary type of ALS five to ten percent of people in the USA can be affected. It is a fifty chance that if a parent has this disease it can be passed down to the children. There is not a lot of treatment. There is no cure for this disease. There is a medication that adds three to two ,months to someone life however all the symptoms are still there. They can also take other drug but this is to help cope with physical pain or mental health. People who has ALS can develop depression and can have panic attacks. They can take a physical therapy, occupational therapy and ar rehabilitation therapy. This is to try to help prevent joints from becoming imbolo and to try to slow down muscles weakness and anatomy. Living with ALS can become very difficult to that individual and for the people around them. Depending what type of ALS they have can have different effect. For they induvegele that need help breathing they may need a ventilation machine. They could also get An aneurysm diaphragm pacer system implanted in them that helps the diaphragm to move so the individual can breathe. There are also other thing that can be down to help with an indvical to breath. continuous positive airway pressure, bi-level positive airway pressure and tracheostomy are also some other thing that can help with people who need help breathing. When people start to lose the ability to speak they have to rely on technology and or other people to communicate for them. There also can be eating dificalcation. For these people the may need special cups and or silver where to eat and drink with. They may need a feeding tube or even go on a spection diet so they can eat. Cost of this disease can be very pricey. Medicare, equipment needed and even home health care can be expensive. It is important to look into health plan coverage and other programs for which an individual may be eligible for to help pay for the cost. Some of the thing that someone can look into is Social Security Disability, Medicare, Medicaid, and Veteran Affairs benefits. Due to the fact more people are learning about ALS more reacher is being done to understand this diese and to stop it from affecting people lives. One group that is doing fresher for this disease is the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke or NINDS for short. They are the lead suporter of biomedical reaches in the world they look at the brain and nervous system. They are looking at the development and progress of this disease. They are also trying to figure out what people can be affected by ALS. They are looking into different thing they believe can be causes. One of theses is cellular defects. These scientists are trying to figure out how ALS- cause gene mutation and why it happens. They are trying to figure out how they mutation and have ir destruction of the neurons. TO do this they are using models to test this theory this includes fruit flies, zebrafish, and rodents. They found out that depending on what gene that it affect it affects a certain motor motion. THey also discovered that when a mutation motor neurons death and the defences in the cell because of this. Something they found is that that is affected is RNA molecules of processing and recycling of proteins is affect. They also found out some nerves cell can become inflamed and that can also play a big role in why the nerves cells die. They are also looking a stem cells. Saints would take blood and or skin form an indivagle with ALS and turn them to stem cells. By this the cells can become any type of cell in the indivages body including motor cells. That can replace the the mutated cells. ALS has affect quite a few peoples lives one person that it was Lou Gehrig. Which the disease can also be known as the Lou gehrig disease. He was a famous baseball player who was diagnosed with ALS at the age of 36. He was played for the New York Yankee as a first baseman. He had a record that stood for 60 years. It was the most consecutive baseball games played. Cause of this record he was known as Iron name. He had to retire in 1939 and died in 1941 due to the disease. Another person who was affected by this disease was Stephen Hawking. He is the longest person who have ever lived with this disease. Against odds he has lived over 40 years with ALS and he is still alive. He was diagnosed at that age of 21 and was told he was going to die before his 25 birthday. He is now 76. He is a scientist and is known as one of the most intelligent man alive. There are many other peopel who has been affected Kevin Tuner who was an american football fullback for eight seasons for the New England Patratirce and Philidaphina Egles.Stephen Hillenburg. He was an american cartooniestg, animation and a former marien biologiest. He was the creatrer of the telivtion searise of spongebob squarpants. He also directed it, pruduced it and witten it. SPreading Awareness of this disease became a goal to many. Many people did not hear of it. So in 2014 a former baseball college student Pete Frates that was diagnosed with ALS in 2012 at the age of 29. He wanted to bring awareness and to help get more money for rashy=church so he started the Ice Bucket changed. So far over 1.2 million people participated in this challenge. The ice bucket change is where a bucket of ice water dumped over their head and then donate money to the cuse . Since July 29, 2014, the ALS Association national office reported collecting $13.3 million in donations in the USA and counting was in 2014.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Tourism Crisis Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Tourism Crisis Management - Essay Example Many authors have attempted to give meaning to the word crisis or crisis management and consequently come up with synonymous terms to the crisis (e.g. Pender & Sharply, 2004; Faulkner, 2001; Prideaux et al., 2003; Pizam, 1999; Glaesser, 2003). Prominent examples, for instance, are a catastrophe, turning point, disaster, chaos, vulnerability, security. This diversity of terminologies considered, it is apparent that crisis definitional approach is a difficult undertaking. With reference to PATA (2003), a crisis is defined as â€Å"A circumstance that holds the potential to have a long-term effect, impinging on the confidence in a product or an organization, or rather a situation that may alter the ability of an organization or product in resuming normal operations.†Other authors provide vague sentiments on the term. For instance Ritchie et al. (2004: 202), who bluntly indicates that ‘a crisis is indefinite, unpredictable, unexpected and can be numerous’. On the othe r hand, some authors seem to be more diligent and particular in their semantics, Faulkner (2001: 136), for example, distinguishes both the terms crisis and disaster. He debates that a crisis refers to a circumstance ‘in which the root cause of the event is, to some degree, self-inflicted through problems such as inept management organizations and organizational culture or a failure to adapt to change’, while on the other hand, a disaster can be described as a situation ‘where an organization †¦ is encountered with abrupt unpredictable calamitous changes over which it has little or no control.’’ Main theories Many models conceptually have a basis assuming that a crisis goes through a number of consecutively occurring stages, in essence following a particular life cycle. However, in reality, crises and disasters more often than not occur suddenly, without warning and a target position can immediately enter the ‘emergency’ phase, by-pa ssing the ‘prodromal’ and ‘pre-event’ phase and require- in a rapid reaction. Indeed, the alarm caused by the dramatic imminence of such events may prompt inappropriate decision making and confusion(Pender & Sharply, 2004). Explicitly, various models propose that risk assessments should be undertaken. On the basis of the analysis of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Portfoilio week 8 6310 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Portfoilio week 8 6310 - Essay Example The demonstrations will be on the oral methods of drug administration to different types of patients depending on their ages, conditions and instructions from the doctor. In line with this, i will divide the class into several teams of two people each and then using the simulation dummies (where I will have attached notes on each â€Å"patient† to be administered drug to), I will monitor and evaluate on how each team performs its instructions (based on what I have taught in class) and then grade them (Billings and Halstead, 2012). According to Svinicki and McKeachie, (2011), demonstration is an effective and useful method to evaluate the learning of students where the main aim of the lesson is practicality. The objectives of this lesson are: Students will identify different methods of imparting positive attitude to the patients during the drug administration. This first objective on a higher level taxonomy yields two objectives which are: students will select the best method to use to impart positive attitude to the patients during drug administration. The second one is: students will apply this selected method when administering drugs to the patients. How are the learners able to identify the different ways of imparting positive attitude during drug administration? How are they able to select the best of these methods and applying them? The other objective is: the students to list the different ways of administering oral medication according to the patient’s condition, age and doctors’ instructions. On a higher level taxonomy (, this objective has two other objectives which are: the students to select the most effective ways to administer drugs according to the patient’s condition and doctor’s instructions and the other is for the students to be able to apply the most effective ways of administering oral medication according to the patient’s condition,

Why do leaders lead in different ways Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Why do leaders lead in different ways - Essay Example This is what the leader does; instilling a sense of togetherness regardless of the dynamic. However, this is a daunting task for leaders who pick a wrong strategy or leadership style as they will struggle so much to lead them with the unsuitable styles. A question that may ring on one’s mind, therefore, is that why do leaders lead differently? What brings the diversity? Why do some leaders succeed while others do not? In this essay, an exploration of different leadership styles and ways in which they influence the followers will be discussed to help unfold the underlying factors behind leadership while at the same time answering these questions. Leadership is not merely being in charge or in a position of authority. Effective leadership requires special skills in dealing with a range of people and the styles one deploy in this regard will extensively affect the team that is being led. To lead is to be in a control tower from which regulation, coordination, management of the followers is derived. Leadership, therefore, is a state of being in control of and in a position to command actions of a particular team for a specific objective. Leaders are mandated to direct and be in the forefront of any action a group or the team plans to undertake (Nahavandi, 2006, p.58). Behavioural theorist put focus on the conducts and deeds of a leader. They countercheck the behaviour of the leader in leadership duties and see if their (leaders) actions are justified. Some leaders dictate, coerce, command and are rude to the followers yet they expect loyalty and collaboration. Robertson (2011) puts forth a conception that classifies leaders in different categories based on their leadership behaviours. These include: autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire styles of leadership. Autocratic leadership according to Robertson (2011, p.73) is a style in which the leader is the sole decision maker. Decisions in this style are

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Levels of AnalysisCh. 3 & Arab-Israeli Conflict book & homework. My Assignment

Levels of AnalysisCh. 3 & Arab-Israeli Conflict book & homework. My assigned Country for this research is NIGERIA - Assignment Example Another important event is the publishing of the works of Leo Pinsker (Auto-emancipation) and Theodor Herzl (Der Judenstaat) which called for the establishment of a Jewish homeland or state (Schulze 7). Both of these articles actually called for the need to establish a homeland for the Jewish people, given that they have been experiencing discrimination in the different countries where they are scattered (Schulze 7). In addition, both of these papers also emphasized that the establishment of such homeland for the Jewish people would make them preserve their cultural traditions and solidify their national identity as Jews. The establishment of the World Zionist Organization is important, for it spearheaded the creation of a Jewish homeland in Israel, which was the same territory of the Ottoman Empire controlled Islamic Palestine (Schulze 8). It is said that Palestine was chosen as the land where the Jewish homeland would be established because it is here where the ancient kingdom of I srael and Judah where located. These kingdoms are the only Jewish states which have existed in history. Seen as the origin of the Jewish people, the Zionist movement saw the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine as essential in the nation-building process of the Jews who were historically scattered and in Diaspora.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Do High-Stakes Assessments Improve Learning Essay

Do High-Stakes Assessments Improve Learning - Essay Example 5), of which high-stakes assessment was deemed crucial in improving student achievement and learning. However, various studies have revealed contradictory results regarding its effect on students’ academic performance. Do High-Stakes Assessments Improve Learning? One, therefore, contends that high-stakes assessment does not improve the overall achievement and learning of students. Proponents of high-stakes assessment argue that â€Å"when faced with large incentives and threatening punishments, administrators, teachers, and students, it is believed, will take schooling more seriously and work harder to obtain rewards and avoid humiliating punishments† (Nichols, Glass, & Berliner, 2005, p. 1). ... ssessments implemented in various educational institutions throughout the United States have apparently generated contradictory results (Nichols, Glass, & Berliner, 2005; Amrein & Berliner, 2002). The study conducted by Nichols, Glass, & Berliner (2005) revealed that â€Å"there is no convincing evidence that the pressure associated with high-stakes testing leads to any important benefits for students’ achievement† (p. iii). This finding was corroborated in the study made by Amrein & Berliner (2002) which disclosed that â€Å"there is inadequate evidence to support the proposition that high-stakes tests and high school graduation exams increase student achievement. The data presented in this study suggest that after the implementation of high-stakes tests, nothing much happens† (p. 57). A closer evaluation of the reasons why high stakes assessment do not seem to apparently improve learning since high-stakes assessment were reported to be closely linked to ‘ pressure’ that contributes to an apparent temporary or superficial increase in academic achievement ratings. As emphasized by Supovitz (2010), â€Å"high-stakes testing does motivate educators, but responses are often superficial. In the best cases, high-stakes testing has focused instruction toward important and developmentally appropriate literacy and numeracy skills—but at the expense of a narrower curricular experience for students and a steadier diet of test preparation activities in classrooms, particularly in low-performing schools, which are the targets of test-based accountability† (par. 10). This fact was supported by Nichols, Glass, & Berliner (2005) who indicated that â€Å"high-stakes testing pressure might produce effects only at the simplest level of the school curriculum: primary school arithmetic,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Occupational health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Occupational health - Essay Example The injured will also be assisted in getting full compensation claims. The principle used in quick and major accidents is determining the hazards that should be corrected. Investigation report The information in the investigation report documents the findings of the investigation is as outlined below: Employee’s name There should be a brief description of the employee injured in the accident. Information about the employer should be provided as well. Date of accident and time should also be included in the report. The information provided will assist in confirming whether the information provided by the victim is genuine or not. Job title and department: Information concerning job title and department will assist in claiming insurance. The insurance company has to verify that such a person worked for a certain company in a certain department. Supervisor or lead personnel: The supervisor and management in a company are responsible for the safety of the workers failure to which they can be sued on legal grounds of neglect. As such, they should be included in an investigation report. Witnesses: Since the investigators are not able to investigate the scene of the accident immediately after occurrence of the accidents, witnesses act as a primary source of information. Brief description of the accident or incident: The victim should be able to offer information about what occurred. However, more effort should be put in trying to gather more information especially from witnesses. Body part affected: The victim should state which body part was affected when the vehicle hit him/her. This will enable proper compensation to be issued to the victim. Reason for seeking root cause The employer should be experienced enough to realize when accidents are caused by unsafe conditions. As such, attempts to find the human errors that were the causes of the accident should commence according to Filtzer, (2002). First of all, it is necessarily to examine a link of events or un derlying factors that may have led to the accident. Some of the questions asked by the employer include distraction, was the employee distracted so as to be hit by the vehicle?, Safe work procedure should always be followed, if not, there should be a reason why, Were safety devices in the vehicle in order during the time of the accident and whether the worker was trained? The employer should also contact the insurance firm after identifying the causes, report the findings and develop the appropriate corrective action according to Granger, (2010). The insurance should also evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and also implement it. Four possible root Causes of Accidents Accidents can be caused by task of personal factors. While some causes may be immediate, others are underlying such as in the case when management systems fail. Distraction Distraction falls under task factors. The behavior of the employee is best known to the employer according to Henry, (1837). The distraction of an employee is visible to the employer. As such, the employee should be the judge whether the distraction of an employee would have been the cause of the accident. The employer should also know the effects of the distraction experienced around the work area. There are some employees that have devastating effects when they are distracted and usually cause major accidents. Other task related factors include

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Different Types of Documents Produced in a Business Environment Essay Example for Free

Different Types of Documents Produced in a Business Environment Essay The different formats in which text may be presented are font typefaces, headings, font size, effects (bold, italics, underlined), colours and text boxes. We can format text in paragraphs, tables and columns. We can add bullet points, headers and footers. We can also add tables, graphs, diagrams and flowcharts as a clear way to represent data and processes. 1. 3 Explain the purpose and benefits of producing high quality and attractive documents The documents you produce for your organisation are an image of representation of your organisation. So it creates an impression on the reader about the standards of the organisation. A good quality document that looks good to the audience can gain more customers and increase the company’s reputation. The quality of your documents is a reflection on you. 2. 3 Describe different types of technology available for inputting, formatting, and editing text and their main features A keyboard and mouse would be the main technology to insert text into a computer. When using a keyboard you press the specific key for each character that needs inputting, and this is transferred on to the computer screen, in a word processing program. A mouse helps you navigate on the computer screen to select the programs to select the programs to open and view and type the text. Another form of inputting could be copying and pasting information from the internet or another document. You could even use a scanner to input text and transfer documents into the computer. Within the Microsoft Word package, you have the following tools to format the text to make it look high quality: -WordArt: this includes effects such as shadows, outlines, colours, gradients, and 3D effects that can be added to a word or phrase. WordArt can also bend, stretch, rotate, or modify the shape of the text. -Page layout: the arrangement of text, images and other objects on a page. -Columns: this is a vertical division of text on a page, usually found in the layout of booklets, newspapers, magazines and leaflets. -Paragraphs: usually a distinct, short section on a document/ piece of writing, usually with a single theme. -Headers and footers: A header or footer is text or graphics that is usually printed at the top or bottom of every page in a document. A header is printed in the top margin; a footer is printed in the bottom margin. The types of technology that are available to edit text are: -Spell check: a computer program that identifies possible misspellings in a block of text by comparing the text with a database of the correct spellings. -Grammar check: this is a tool on Microsoft programs that gives you helpful hints to improve your sentence structure. -Find and replace: this is a function that allows you to search for a particular word in a document and replace it if you need to rename more than one word. 3. Explain the benefits of agreeing the purpose, content, style and deadlines for producing documents. The audience of a document is the group of people for who it is written for. Therefore, documents should be designed to meet the needs of the expected audience. You need to know the purpose of the document so you know what and how to produce it, for example, if it is advertising for young people you would want it to be eye catching and in a style that will appeal to them. It is important to agree the content so you can obtain the information, plan and organise the layout. Deadlines are important so you can plan other work around it and complete the document on time. 3. 2 Outline different ways of organising content for documents. To organise the content you require for a document, you first need to find out how the document is to be presented and the information that is to be included. But ways you could organise content could be: -Bullet points -Alphabetical ordering -Chronological order -Headings -Text -Graphs -Text boxes You should then store all the information needed safely and with clear file names. 3. Outline ways of integrating and laying out text and non-text. Text and non text can be integrated easily with Microsoft Word or Publisher. There are many ways of laying out a document, using columns, graphics, and blocks of text, headings, background colours, images and white space and wrap text around; which helps you to work around with its different features to get a consistent format. Also there are other office applications that help with integrating and laying out text and non-text, for example, Excel and PowerPoint, help with integrating text and non-text in spread sheets and slides. Many organisations use a logo on all their printed materials and their documents often have a very specific style. This will be achieved by always using the same fonts, font sizes, text and page colours and page layout. 3. 4 Describe ways of checking finished documents for accuracy – including spelling, grammar and punctuation – and correctness, and the purpose of doing so. When you have finished creating a document, you should review and check it thoroughly before sending or printing the document. Word documents have a spell check function, however even using spell check might not be completely accurate, therefore using a grammar check on the document as well, will be more beneficial. After doing the spell and grammar checks, you could ask another colleague to proof read your work – having a proof reader can help highlight problems as they are a fresh set of eyes that have not read the document. Re-reading the documents several days after completing, may refresh your mind to notice any corrections and adjustments. It is beneficial to compare the final version with original notes and rough drafts. All of these checks are to ensure that your document that you want to make is fit for purpose and correct before showing to a senior member of staff or production of the document. 3. 5 Explain the purpose of storing documents safely and securely, and ways of doing so. Any document with any sensitive information should always be stored safely; electronically or physically. For example, -A filing cabinet which can be locked, as it may be required for future use/reference. Storing confidential documents electronically should always be stored with password protection, on a safe and secure operating system. -Locking your computer if you’re leaving your desk, even if it is for just a few minutes. -Being aware who is around you or your desk when dealing with documents with confidential information on. 3. 6 Explain the purpose of confidentiality and data protection when preparing documents. Any form of personal information held about a person within a company is protected under the Data Protection Act; this means all data should be kept confidential. This is significant to ensure nobody will be able to get the data and pass the information on. Confidentiality is very important when preparing documents, because Oxfordshire County Council is involved with a lot of personal data: †¢Full names †¢Contact details (addresses and phone numbers) †¢Records When preparing documents we need to be aware of what we are including in the document, for example if you are adding a photograph, do you have the right permission to use it? As a company, in order to protect the users and the owner, confidentiality must be observed. 3. Explain the purpose and benefits of meeting deadlines. If deadlines are valued and meeting those deadlines is enforced, expectations are consistent. It is important that you produce your work to the best possible standard in order to meet the requirements of the person setting the task. This will show you are responsible and trustworthy and you can be relied upon to get things completed. You may not know who else might be waiting for your work; it could have to be passed on to someone else. This may cause problems and delays in the workplace and could affect team relationships.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Morphology Control in Gold Nanoparticle Synthesis

Morphology Control in Gold Nanoparticle Synthesis Hammed A. Salami Introduction One of the most significant current discussions in the field of nanotechnology is the development of novel nanomaterials. When materials are reduced from bulk to the nanometer-scale dimension, they begin to exhibit unusual physical and chemical properties [1, 2]. Recently, researchers have shown an increased interest in the elucidation of the structure-function relationship of these novel nanomaterials [3, 4]. The availability of imaging techniques with nanometer resolution, such as electron microscopy has not only helped in visualizing the individual nanoparticles, but also, it has facilitated an understanding of some of the emerging properties of noble metal nanoparticles such as spectroscopic enhancement and localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) [5, 6]. For noble-metal nanoparticles, these structure-function relationships have attracted significant research interests. This is because, unlike in bulk metal materials, the control of the chemical and physical properties of noble-metal nanoparticles is possible with a modification of their size and shape, and by varying the material composition [1, 6]. As a result of the unique roles played by size and shape in influencing the properties of noble-metal nanoparticles, researchers have continually focused on ways to reproducibly tailor these parameters in other to adapt the nanoparticles for optimal use in a wide range of applications, including biology[4], energy[7], sensing, spectroscopic enhancement[8-10] and catalysis [7, 11]. The size of nanoparticles influences their optical properties while the shape and crystallographic facets are the major factors that determine their catalytic and surface activities [12]. Nanoparticles with non-spherical structures are referred to as anisotropic nanoparticles. Examples include nanocubes, nanoprisms, nanorods, etc. [13]. They show pronounced shape-dependent properties and functionalities, therefore a great deal of research effort has been paid at developing synthetic strategies to get a high yield of anisotropic noble metal nanoparticles having uniform structures and controlled shape and size[5]. The deliberate control of shape has however proven to be the most challenging, despite being one of the useful parameters for optimizing the properties of noble metal nanoparticles. This is particularly more pronounced in gold nanoparticles synthesis [3, 14-16]. Of the many shapes of gold nanoparticles, gold nanorods have continued to attract the most attention [2]. This is largely due to the large number of synthetic methods available, the possibility of high monodispersity and the control over the aspect ratio, which accounts for the change in their optical properties [17]. When molecules are adsorbed on the surface of gold nanoparticles, they undergo surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) effects. This is due to the coupling effect of the plasmon band of the irradiated metal with the molecules electronic states [18, 19]. For gold nanorods, two Plasmon bands are prominent. They are the longitudinal plasmon band and the transverse plasmon band. These bands correspond to light absorption and scattering along the long and short axis of the particle respectively [20-22]. While the longitudinal surface plasmon resonance increases with larger aspect ratios (length/diameter), the transverse surface plasmon resonance is usually on the same wavel ength as that of nanospheres, with no dependence on the aspect ratio[23]. The current high dependence on non-renewable feedstocks can be minimized with the production of fine chemicals, petrol-derived commodities and polymer precursors from biomass[24]. Supported gold nanoparticles have been found to be very active catalysts for a number of biomass transformation and many researchers have focused their attention in searching for the best supports, reaction conditions and mechanistic studies to improve their selectivity[25, 26]. Most catalytic studies in literature involving noble metal nanoparticles, either as mono- or bimetallic catalyst, are done with spherical nanoparticles [25-27]. The spherical nanoparticles used are usually immobilized onto suitable supports to form impregnated catalysts and in some cases they are preformed before immobilization [27]. To achieve this, methods such as wet impregnation, sol immobilization etc. are often used [28, 29]. These methods however, do not allow the control of morphology of the nanoparticles. There is therefore the need to develop an understanding of morphology control in the synthesis of anisotropic noble metal nanoparticles with high yield. It would also be interesting to explore the correlation between these controlled morphologies and catalytic activities. Project Aims This project will therefore aim at synthesising various morphologies of mono and bimetallic noble metal nanoparticles, with optimum control of the morphology during the synthesis. Starting with gold, we will also explore the use of colloidal methods in immobilizing the preformed nanoparticles with selected morphologies and narrow particle size distribution e.g. gold nanorods, onto suitable supports to form heterogeneous catalysts. Since the rods expose certain crystallographic planes more than most other morphologies and also have comparatively low coordination sites, they can be potentially more selective for reactions that preferably occur on low coordination sites. As a starting point we will therefore, explore their use as supported heterogeneous catalysts in selective oxidation and hydrogenation reactions for biomass transformation. References [1]M.-C. Daniel, D. Astruc, Chemical reviews 2004, 104, 293-346. [2]J. Pà ©rez-Juste, I. Pastoriza-Santos, L. M. Liz-Marzà ¡n, P. Mulvaney, Coordination Chemistry Reviews 2005, 249, 1870-1901. [3]M. L. Personick, C. A. Mirkin, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 18238-18247. [4]X. Ma, M.-C. Wang, J. Feng, X. Zhao, Acta Materialia 2015, 85, 322-330. [5]C. J. Murphy, T. K. Sau, A. M. Gole, C. J. Orendorff, J. Gao, L. Gou, S. E. Hunyadi, T. Li, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2005, 109, 13857-13870. [6]L. T. Lanh, T. T. Hoa, N. D. Cuong, D. Q. Khieu, D. T. Quang, N. Van Duy, N. D. Hoa, N. Van Hieu, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2015, 635, 265-271. [7]G. A. Somorjai, H. Frei, J. Y. Park, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2009, 131, 16589-16605. [8]J. E. Millstone, S. J. Hurst, G. S. Mà ©traux, J. I. Cutler, C. A. Mirkin, Small 2009, 5, 646-664. [9]M. R. Jones, K. D. Osberg, R. J. Macfarlane, M. R. Langille, C. A. Mirkin, Chemical reviews 2011, 111, 3736-3827. [10]A. R. Tao, S. Habas, P. Yang, small 2008, 4, 310-325. [11]N. Tian, Z.-Y. Zhou, S.-G. Sun, Y. Ding, Z. L. Wang, science 2007, 316, 732-735. [12]K. L. Kelly, E. Coronado, L. L. Zhao, G. C. Schatz, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2003, 107, 668-677. [13]M. Treguer-Delapierre, J. Majimel, S. Mornet, E. Duguet, S. Ravaine, Gold Bulletin 2008, 41, 195-207. [14]S. Koeppl, N. Ghielmetti, W. Caseri, R. Spolenak, J Nanopart Res 2013, 15, 1-11. [15]S.-S. Chang, C.-W. Shih, C.-D. Chen, W.-C. Lai, C. R. C. Wang, Langmuir 1999, 15, 701-709. [16]X. Ma, M.-C. Wang, J. Feng, X. Zhao, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2015, 637, 36-43. [17]C. Burda, X. Chen, R. Narayanan, M. A. El-Sayed, Chemical reviews 2005, 105, 1025-1102. [18]R. L. Garrell, Analytical Chemistry 1989, 61, 401A-411A. [19]A. Campion, P. Kambhampati, Chem. Soc. Rev. 1998, 27, 241-250. [20]G. L. Hornyak, C. J. Patrissi, C. R. 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Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Comparison between My Life and My Mothers Life Essay examples -- co

My Life and My Mother's Life My life compared to my mother's life is in many ways very different and in other ways a lot alike. The differences are there mostly because I was born into a different era. In 1928, my mother's life started out during the end of the Roaring 20's. It was a time of change in America. People were shocked at the short skirts, the drinking and smoking that the young women were participating in then. As the economy came to a crashing halt with the disastrous collapse of the stock market in October of 1929, so did many of the free and "high filutin" attitudes of the 20's. With the 1930's came The Great Depression followed soon after with the election of Franklin Deleno Roosevelt as U.S. President. His administration was responsible for many reform programs designed to help Americans get back on their feet again. President Roosevelt called it the "New Deal". As part of the New Deal, a program called the WPA was created. When I asked my mother what that stood for she replied "I can't remember the real name, we called it "We Poke Along". In my research, I uncovered the real name - Works Progress Administration. It was created in 1935 to combat unemployment at a time when it was at an all time high of 25%. The WPA employed 9 million people in various public works projects between l935 and 1943 of which my grandfather was one. They built roads, schools, dams, etc., which did a lot to improve their communities in those days; in addition, it provided a means to put food back on the table. My mother remembers little from these early days except th at there was not a lot to eat then, potato soup and beans being the constant staple. She and others who survived The Great Depression wanted t... ...ied 52 years now which in its' self says so much for her commitment and dedication. When I asked her what was the secret for a strong marriage she replied, "Never take each other for granted, get fixed up every morning. Try to make the home into a palace, cook good meals, tell each other 'I love you' often and be near him as much as you possibly can be, she said. Then added, "children add a lot to a marriage." Through her life alone, she has taught her children moral values that will be passed down for generations to come. With the faith and courage she has instilled in me, I was able to pull myself up and out of some bad situations where otherwise I would have been lost. I can truthfully say she is indeed my very best friend. Her strength and love for her family have never wavered, and our respect and love for her will always be a testament to her life.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Biotechnology :: essays research papers

#1. a)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Use of a Bacterial Plasmid to Clone and Sequence a Human Gene The process begins with restriction endonucleases scanning and binding to double-stranded DNA at specific base-pair sequences, the recognition sites, in a predictable manner. The restriction sites are usually 4 to 8 base pairs long and are characterized by the palindromic sequences, with both strands having the same sequence when read in opposite direction. After the restriction endonuclease binds, it starts to disrupt, using hydrolysis, the phosphodiester bonds between neighbor nucleotides, causing the H-bonds between base pairs in the cutting region to be broken. This cuts the original double-stranded DNA strand, producing two DNA fragments, which may differ for different restriction endonucleases, depending on where the phosphodiester bond is broken when cut by the endonuclease. This process can produce either blunt ends (where ends of the DNA fragment are fully paired with no overhangs), or sticky ends (where both DNA fragments have nucleotides lacking complementary bases and ove rhangs are produced). However, sticky ends are more useful for genetic engineering. The next step, gel electrophoresis, separates the gene that has been excised, from the unwanted fragments taking advantage of chemical and physical properties of DNA. The DNA fragments travel through gel as a result of charge passed through it causing the longer fragments to separate from shorter ones, which helps in identifying gene and makes it easier to cut it out from the gel. The DNA fragment with the desired gene is, therefore, excised and purified. The same restriction endonuclease, that is used to cut the original DNA strand, then splices this gene into a plasmid (small, circular DNA molecules found in bacteria). Because the plasmid and the foreign gene are cut by the same restriction endonuclease, the sticky ends formed, are complementary and anneal to each other forming H-bonds. The DNA ligase reforms the phosphodiester bonds, after which, the recombinant plasmid with the foreign DNA, is in troduced into the bacterial cell, in the process of transformation, and replicates to form clones (exact copies of itself). Overall, this technique of altering sequence of DNA molecules became very useful for many reasons, one of which is production of hormones. Hormones such as insulin and somatropin, were produced by inserting a gene into a plasmid, and became essential hormones in medical practice. In this process, the needed human genes were incorporated into plasmids and activated or inactivated when needed, using specific inducers for promoter regions.

Jane Eyre and Her Struggles Essay -- essays research papers

Jane Eyre and Her Struggles Jane Eyre is a classic English novel which follows the development of a young woman in the mid 1800's. Jane grows to be a smart, self supporting, independent woman. This becomes a struggle for her as she was brought up to live in the lower-class. Throughout this novel, Jane tries to show that class and gender should not affect personality. This novel explains Jane’s struggle against societal expectations of class and of gender. Jane’s initial struggle begins as she is brought up by her aunt. Jane is living in an upper-class household and is being treated as a person of the lower-class. Jane would be antagonized on a daily basis by the Reed children. As an outcast, Jane realizes at an early age how much class affects the behavior of people in society. Jane would be punished by Mrs. Reed regularly, which may have fueled her rebellious nature. A specific example would be when Jane was sent to the â€Å"red room† by Mrs. Reed as punishment for fighting with her son. This was the room where Mrs. Reed’s husband was found dead. This shows that Mrs. Reed had absolutely no respect for Jane as an individual as Mrs. Reed knew that Jane believed that the room was haunted. This event also shows that Mrs. Reed does not respect her deceased husband, as she abandoned the room after he was found. Soon after, Jane decides that she would like to go to school. Mr. Brocklehurst, founder of Lowood School admits Jane to the school. Mrs. Reed then explains to him that Jane is a problematic child. As soon as he leaves the household, Jane verbally attacks Mrs. Reed and has a feeling of accomplishment. Name 2 Jane’s initial confrontation with Mr. Brocklehurst inside the school leaves her in misery as she i... ...he was teaching the children. Eventually, when St. John attempts to ask Jane for her hand in marriage, she rejects him. He told her that it would only be in business, as he was to become a missionary and wanted her to help him. Jane does not believe in that kind of matrimony, so that was why she denied him. St. John’s two sisters, like Jane were very intellectual and loved to read. Jane loved having conversations with them, as they were as intellectual as she was. These characters raised Jane’s expectations of society. This classic English novel focuses on Jane’s struggle against societal expectations of class and of gender. Jane had many struggles with many characters throughout the novel, and this essay focused on some of the most important characters and the most important instances. Those struggles helped her become a smart, independent woman.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Price of Indebtedness in May-Lee Chai’s Saving Sourdi

Whether stabbing a man with a paring knife or getting a friend to punch her sister's husband in the face, Nea always manages to start trouble for her and her sister, Sourdi. She doesn't do it on purpose, it's just that Nea will do anything to protect her older sister. The issue stems from when the family lived in their native Cambodia; Nea was only four and Sourdi carried her across a minefield on her back. Ever since that moment, Nea has felt indebted to her older sister and has been determined to protect her at all costs. However, the costs seem to be high as her identity has become tied to this notion of debt. In May-Lee Chai's â€Å"Saving Sourdi,† Nea's identity is shaped by her feeling of indebtedness to her sister Sourdi, which compromises her ability to grow and objectively see the world. The cause behind the story's central conflict lies in Nea's devotion to Sourdi, which in turn was caused by a distant memory. â€Å"Once upon a time†, Nea recalls, â€Å"Sourdi had walked across a minefield, carrying me on her back† (Chai 140). With the terrible war background on the Khmer Rouge-era in Cambodia as an exposition, Nea recalls her sister Sourdi carrying her across a field by stepping on countless dead bodies to avoid the mines. This is something that Nea views as secret between just her and her sister, one she will never reveal to another soul. It is because of this single incident that Nea vows to â€Å"walk on bones† and â€Å"rotting flesh† to â€Å"save Sourdi,† which itself foreshadows events to come (Chai 140). It is this event that defines Nea and motivates her actions throughout the story. It is because Nea's identity is derived from this debt to her older sister that causes Nea to respond in such a haphazard manner. Not only do her responses create tension in the story, but they further develop Nea as a character. I would walk on bones for my sister, I vowed. I would put my bare feet on rotting flesh. I would save Sourdi†(Chai 140). These words were spoken by Nea after Sourdi sacrificed herself to carry Nea through a treacherous mine field reeking with the stench of dead bodies. Only a few people in the story know about this incident it is a highly guarded secret of Nea's. This single incident defines Nea's identity through out the story, which clarifies Nea as a static character her identity never changes. From the time when these two young girls reached America Nea always has Sourdi's back, she is overly protective like that of an older sister which is ironic because she is the youngest daughter. Nea will always feel like her life was saved by Sourdi so she will do anything to repay her. Sourdi develops throughout the novel at first by being very brave, strong, and independent as she carriers her baby sister across of the mine field. It is almost as if that identity transferred from her to her younger sister Nea. Sourdi does not speak up for herself when she disagrees with her mother or Duke. She does not even try to put up a fight when her mother arranges her marriage. This classifies Sourdi as a very dyanmic character or round character. As a result of this, Nea has never really lived her life for herself. Everything that she has done and the decisions that she makes are based upon the events that occur in Sourdi's life. This in turn leads to Nea's inability to grow, because she is constantly caring and looking after her sister, instead of worrying about herself and moving on with her own life. Because of these events Sourdi can be labeled as the foil to Nea's charater in this story. Just like the examples that were given earlier, when Nea jumped up and stabbed the man that was hassling Sourdi at the restaurant, or when she and Duke went knocking on Sourdi's door because they thought she was in trouble, all of the actions that Nea took were always a reflection of the situation that Sourdi was in at that present moment. One of the major effects of Nea's identity being tied to her indebtedness to her sister is that it clouds her ability to be objective. This leads her to make spur-of-the-moment decisions that may not be in her or Sourdi's best intertest. One example took place in the family restaurant at the beginning of the story. Sourdi was serving some old drunk men when one decided to put his arms around her. This immediately sent Nea into a blind rage in which she â€Å"ran into the kitchen†, â€Å"grabbed the knife†, and â€Å"stabbed the man† (Chai 131). Luckily, the knife she had grabbed was only a paring knife and it got caught in the man's sleeve of his jacket. Obviously, the girls' mother became quite upset and apologized to the men while scolding Nea. Nea, overcome with anger, had not stopped to consider the consequences of her actions. Had she actually injured the man, he could have sued the restaurant and Nea could have faced criminal charges. Obviously, this was not the best way to handle the incident. This is again illustrated when Nea overhears a conversation between Sourdi and her mother. She becomes convinced that Sourdi's new husband is abusive and convinces their mutual friend Duke to drive her to Sourdi's house in Des Moines. Upon their arrival, Duke, having only heard Nea's interpretation of events, ran inside and â€Å"punched Sourdi's husband in the nose† (Chai 142). Sourdi's husband was surprisingly understanding about the matter and another disaster was narrowly avoided. However, the event still must have had a profound effect on Sourdi and her husband's home life. Again, it was Nea's impetuous attitude and blind calling to protect her sister that led to the encounter. Ever since Sourdi carried Nea through that minefield on her back, Nea has been trying to find a way to repay her sister's kindness. However, as the years have passed, the protection of Sourdi has become a compulsion. She is consumed with her desire to protect her sister from harm without regard for the consequences. This has clouded Nea's judgement and hindered her ability to objectively look at a situation. And, consequentially, her â€Å"solution† often causes more harm than the percieved threat she is fighting. Unless Nea can somehow overcome her need to protect her sister, she will never be able to live a normal and happy life. Maybe Sourdi is not the one who needs saving.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Drug Abuse on High School Students Essay

The hypothesis for this report is that as an individual increases drug use, their success within their education decreases. To prove this is true, there were many investigations involved in the process. Firstly, there was secondary research provided in order to see the drug use of all teenagers in Ontario, as well as dropout rates in Ontario as a whole. As well as definitions, general drug information, and other factors of these variables. Then, there was primary research used to compare the findings from the secondary research to just a sample of students from the Catholic Central High School community. In order to further research the topic of the effects of drug use on high school students and its correlation to educational achievement, 24 surveys were conducted within the Catholic Central High School community (refer to appendix, pg. 2-3), and of these 24 participants, approximately 8% are grade 9 students, 21% being grade 10 students, 29% being grade 11 students, and 42% being grade 12 students (refer to appendix, pg. 4, graph A). Secondary research states that according to the Partnership Attitude Tracking Study (PATS, 2007), 65% of teens say they use drugs to â€Å"feel cool† and to have the approval of others, and their desire for social acceptance. Contrarily, primary research showed that 50% of students surveyed think that friends do not have any influence in their decisions regarding drug or alcohol use, whereas 33% think they do have influence (refer to appendix, pg. 4, graph B). According to Partnership for a Drug-Free Canada (2010), 73% of teens report that number-one reason for using drugs is to deal with the pressures and the stress for school. Likewise, primary research states that 70. 6% of the 24 participants have consumed drugs or alcohol before or during school hours, which shows how teenagers are using school as an excuse to consume drugs or alcohol (refer to appendix, pg. 4, graph C). Primary research indicates that 70. 8% of the students surveyed have experimented with drugs (refer to appendix, pg. 5, graph D), and also, these drugs that they have experimented with were for non-medical purposes. Surprisingly, the top 5 drugs most consumed by the participants are Marijuana (100%), Tobacco (47. 1%), Salvia (41. 2%), Mushrooms (35. 3%), and Cocaine (29. 4%). Refer to appendix, pg. 5, graph E). Similarly, secondary research shows that many teens, 51% to be exact, mistakenly believe that it’s safer to abuse a prescription drug than it is to use illegal drugs. Secondary research explains that the majority of teenagers consume drugs or alcohol because their parents are not paying enough attention to their teenage children, because of family problems, because they have family members who have drug or alcohol addiction problems, or because they are living in a single-parent household which would aslo mean that that single parent does not have enough time to know what their children are up to. Contrastingly, primary research shows that within the students surveyed, 58. 3% are part of a nuclear family (mother, father, and 1 or more biological or adopted children). (Refer to appendix, pg. 5, graph F). Also, 75% do not have family members with drug addiction problems (Refer to appendix, pg. 6, graph G). According to Canada’s Labour Force Survey (1990), nearly 340,000 young people aged 20 to 24, or 1 out of every 6 (16. 6%) had not obtained a high school diploma and were not enrolled in school due to their involvement with mostly tobacco and also illicit drugs. Canada’s Labour Force passed the same survey almost 20 years later, in 2010, the dropout rate decreased and it was now 1 in every 12 (8. 5%) of 20 to 24 year-olds that had not obtained their high school diploma due to the same reasons mentioned above. Contradictorily, primary research demonstrates that out of the 24 participants, 20 of them (83. 3%) feel that students who drop out of high school are stereotyped as people who are involved in drug/alcohol related activities (refer to appendix, pg. , graph H). And also, that 75% of the students think that alcohol and drug use has increased over time among teenagers (refer to appendix, pg. 6, graph I). To conclude, it was found that the primary research and the secondary research are both similar and different in many ways, as in some points the articles, books, and online resources agrees with what the 24 participants know and think about the topic being discussed, and sometimes it does not.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Issues on Paying College Athletes

For several years amateurism has posed a big controversy in college sports. Being a professional athlete is making the final cut, this is when athletes get paid for their talents for the use of entertainment. The athletes are given contracts due to their level of skill and performance. College is for students to get an education and prepare for a career. Most athletes attend college to get an education just in case they don†t make it to a professional sport level. College athleticism could be considered a stepping stone, it is a preparation stage for student athletes hoping to move on to the professional level. Many athletes attend college and play sports, but when they get to the professional level, they still aren†t capable of performing as well as expected. This is not the case with every athlete though, some of these young amateurs hit the professional league and explode and achieve beyond their expectations. Some of the collegiate athletes hit the professionals and perform better than experienced veterans. In the light of these facts, the question: â€Å"Should college players be paid? † is often posed. This question has been tossed around for a good number of years. It has probably been discussed since before college basketball players began to leave school early to become pro. As a college athlete I often feel that I deserve something extra, but every time I feel this way I always end up re-evaluating the situation. Once I†ve actually thought through the situation, I usually come to the conclusion that college athletes are already being paid. The education we receive and the experience of earning a college degree has no price value. This is the same thing South Florida coach Seth Greenberg stated when he was asked: â€Å"should college basketball players be paid? † in a series of questions asked by The Tampa Tribune (available at tampabayonline. net/final4/q&a. htm). It is a fact that college athletes generate millions of dollars of revenue for universities, but despite the question, there are very important facts that are overlooked when it comes to discussing this issue. As I stated earlier, it is fact that college athletic programs produce a large sum of money. This money usually comes through television rights fees, bowl games, ticket sales and other means. In light of these facts, many believe that student athletes deserve more than just a scholarship or grant for their efforts. These facts could bring one to conclusion that the financial arrangements between universities and student-athletes are unfairly balanced in the favor of the college institutions. There are many hidden facts that explain the impossibilities to pay our student athletes. At Notre Dame, for example, grants-in-aid to student-athletes are worth about $5 million a annually. Add that to the millions of dollars spent on travel, housing, equipment, health care and several other cost and pretty soon, you are talking about big time money. So, while athletes generate millions of dollars for universities, there are also millions of dollars in expenses, most of which directly assist the student-athletes. Even at smaller colleges that do not generate as much money as the universities, the money generated through the sporting events usually invested in equipment and other necessities for the student-athletes. In other words, it is a two-way street, college athletes are well compensated, in other words well paid already. Without college most of America†s young athletes wouldn†t even get the exposure needed to make an impression on for the professional leagues. The system has been around and working for many years now, the thought of changing the rules to enable college athletes to be paid seems to me as a total act of greed. As stated by Mark ([email  protected] net) in an article found at www. mhoops. com: â€Å"the whole stinking show is rift of greed in my opinion. It is a fact that CBS forks over $3 billion, this is proof (in their minds) that they don†t need to change anything. I feel that if this money were cut, they would change things as quickly as possible. I see athletes being paid in college as a disadvantage, not only to the less wealthy schools who wouldn†t be able to afford the better players, but to the student/athletes as well. I feel that the colleges with the most money, and the wealthiest alumni†s will always have the very best teams in college sports if this happens, this will leave the less wealthy colleges with the bottom of the barrel players. How could you expect the less wealthy schools to ever win? How fair could this rule transition be? Paying players to attend a school is cheating them of the education they would have gotten better at another school to give them a better chance at winning a game of football, basketball, or what ever kind of sport they play. Sports are not promising, any athlete could have a career ending injury at anytime; however, the education they receive will always be able to open doors for them. Another reason why I feel that college athletes shouldn†t be paid is because it is too expensive. Many colleges are not on the best budget. Some barely make enough money to support their team sports. CBS college basketball analyst Bill Packer, in the same Tampa Tribune question series listed above states: â€Å"It†s a moot question (Should college athletes be paid? ). Under Title IX, what colleges do for one sport it has to do for all. Because of that, the funds aren†t available to pay students from each of a school†s athletic programs. Paying [basketball players] is thrown out a lot in discussion, but if people understood the process of Title IX, they would realize paying players would be an impossibility. This is something easily understandable, if colleges could afford this kind of money then they should be able to afford more and better scholarships. College is a place for education. Many people look at the money generated by college sports and start to imply that the athletes bringing this money in should benefit from it. These same people never seem to see that the college athletes already are. If these students were never given scholarships to attend these colleges then they probably wouldn†t be there. The same athletes you see playing the many different sports they play in college, would more than likely be playing these same sports back home in the neighborhood just for fun if they weren†t attending college. This makes you wonder: â€Å"why can†t they play sports in college without being paid? † there isn†t much of a difference. The opportunity to get an education should be enough, too many people get caught up in the money though. The world of sports has changed enormously because of greed. Professionalism is the level when athletes get paid. Paying college players would completely eliminate amateurism. That would make college players professional, but professionals are supposed to be the best of the best, the cream of the crop and all college athletes are not amongst the best: â€Å"so why should they be paid? † Under the article of Title IX, paying one player means paying them all, and paying one sport means paying all sports in an institution, since all collegiate athletes aren†t the best players it seems to be a waist of money. The idea of paying college athletes is very demeaning. Since it is a known fact that many athletes do not go to class, and stay involved in many mix-ups, the idea would only bring forth more comodity. I think paying college athletes would bring in more students who have no purpose in college besides playing sports. This would also affect the population at many schools. I also feel that this would be asking for more incidents and to occur. As many athletes get involved in violations at universities with partying, drinking, and drugs, one would think that these rates would rise with several students who have no intentions on becoming educated on campus. This matter could be stereotypical, but at the same time it is a fact that several athletes drop out, flunk out, or are kicked out of school. My position is to keep them out, and not paying college athletes is one of the major ways to do so. If college athletes begin to get paid everyone will want to attend and for many that would be the only reason. This is not what college is designed for. College is a task, an opportunity, not a job, but it will prepare you for one in the future, if you prove yourself there then you will be paid. The principle is that the only way to eliminate this question would be to pay the college athletes, but that would produce a great decline in the population of education. To perform a task such as; colleges would have to drop all â€Å"scholarship† college sports and allow colleges either to run Division III programs or own minor league teams where the players are paid (under some salary cap) but they wouldn†t need to be college students. That would bring forth the problem of distinguishing: getting the best students in a college and getting the best players. . I think that would take away from our society and economics, leaving us with fewer professionals. College athletes should not be paid, this would eliminate the sole purpose of attending college. Who would attend class.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Christianity Essay

Followers of Jesus, a Jewish man, started a new religion, Christianity. Christianity started to grow during the Pax Romana, a period of peace in Rome. The Pax Romana lasted from 27 B. C. E to 180 C. E. and during it government improved, literature prospered, engineering improved, and laws formed. The peace during the Pax Romana provided a time for Christianity to rise. Christianity spread rapidly and successfully in the 1st through 3rd centuries because it appealed to many people, missionaries could easily travel and spread the message, and because of the events taking place in Rome. The Christian message, a universal message, appealed to many people. In the Sermon on the Mount, the only full sermon existing from Jesus, a section called â€Å"The Beatitudes† lists all of the blessed people. Jesus blessed the oppressed, the hungry, the merciful, the peacemakers, and the pure in heart in his sermon. The Christian message of hope appealed to those out of power and suffering under the rule of the Roman authority, because the Christian message gave people hope and a thought of salvation. The Sermon on the Mount, given by Jesus, encompasses the Christian message of hope. In addition because of the simplicity and directness of the Christian message, people could easily catch on to the message. In addition to those suppressed by the Roman government, Christianity also appealed to gentiles, non-Jews. Paul, a missionary, preached Christianity to the gentiles and compromised with them. Originally following the strict rules such as circumcision and eating Kosher showed to be a roadblock to the gentiles. Paul and Peter argued over whether or not the gentiles should have to follow these rules, and Paul won, so the gentiles that converted to Christianity did not have to adhere to any rules of dress, eating Kosher, or being circumcised. This allowed for Christianity to appeal to the gentiles. Christianity also appealed to widows. In Roman Civilization those that had been widowed had a low place in the social hierarchy and people looked down on them. However, in Christianity widows were honored and called brides of Christ. The charity work that the Christians did also made Christianity an appealing religion. Christians set up hospitals for the poor and homeless. Hospitals gave the homeless a place to become comfortable before they died. In addition to the charity work that Christians did, Christianity emphasized peace, love, and brotherhood, which appealed to some. In the 1st-3rd centuries C. E. the message of Christianity could also be spread quite easily throughout the Roman Empire. The 200,000 miles of roads built in Rome helped Christianity spread throughout the entire empire. The roads allowed for missionaries to travel throughout the empire easily so that they could spread and preach Christianity. The Pax Romana, a period of peace, also allowed for the roads to be safe for the missionaries to travel and spread the word without the fear of being attacked. The many different cities helped spread Christianity rapidly because of the great amount of people in a small area. In addition Christianity could catch on faster and reach more people. Missionaries also had an easy time getting across the message because of the use of only two languages. In the eastern half of the Roman Empire the people mainly spoke koine Greek, and in the western portion of the Roman Empire the people mostly spoke Latin. Because no language barrier existed, missionaries could spread Christianity with fewer difficulties. The events taking place in Rome helped the Christian message to spread rapidly and successfully. The old Roman religions started losing their vitality setting the stage for new beliefs and giving way to the rise of Christianity. Unlike other cults, like the cult of Isis or Mithras, Christianity was freer and adaptable. The loosely organized internal structure of Christianity allowed for Christianity to adapt to people. The persecution of Christians led to the organization of Christian ideas and thoughts. The persecution of the first Christians led to the idea that the ideas of Christianity should be written down and organized. The two groups of Christians, the Apostolics and the Gnostics, had similar but different views on Christianity. Irenaeus, an Apostolic Christian, wrote the first book of the Christian Church titled Against the Heresies. Irenaeus thought that the Gnostics did not represent the true teachings of Jesus, and that the Apostolic Christians represented the teachings of Jesus more than the Gnostics. The Apostolic view of Christianity became the mainstream Christian view and people recorded the Apostolic ideas in the Bible. The persecution on Christians led to the spread of the message of what the Christians died for. Christianity spread due to many factors including roads, missionaries, and the honoring of widows. The timing of the rise of Christianity helped Christianity spread and rise rapidly and successfully. The period of peace in Rome, the Pax Romana, helped Christianity flourish. Christianity at this time grew as older Roman religions started to decline, missionaries preached Christianity to many people, and the Christian message of hope gave hope to those who needed it. These factors along with the rise of Christianity during the Pax Romana helped Christianity spread and continue throughout the Byzantine Empire and beyond.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Procedures in the Physical Sciences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Procedures in the Physical Sciences - Essay Example Measurement is a very important parameter in the field of physical sciences. Different methods of measurements have used to determine various aspects of the physical environment. Units precede every kind of measurement. They help in giving a description of the physical quantity in question hence enhancing comparison. The three major quantities in physics include length measured in meters, time measured in seconds and mass that is measured in kilograms. The Metric system of measurement has been adopted in most of the countries of the world while the British System of measurement, famous for use inches, miles, and pounds among others has a minimal use in the world despite its ubiquitous use the United States of America. Despite the technological progress experienced in the world today, several challenges are encountered in the measurement of the physical environment. Every measurement made has an associated error that should be recognized whenever a quantity is measured. This error has a numerical value that tries to correct the quality of the estimation done through measurement. Furthermore, it can be in form of a standard uncertainty, whereby the error has a standard figure or a coverage interval whose figure will have a given range of values. However, efforts have been made in trying to minimize these uncertainties. The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) has developed â€Å"The Guide to the expression of Uncertainty in Measurement† to help in enacting a common approach to the errors encountered in measurement. In astronomical sciences, it is difficult to use direct measurement calling for indirect measurement strategies. A unique method utilised by the astronomers is the parallax method. This method involves observation of the position of heavenly bodies at different times. They consider factors such as the precise location of the body, the time, the diameter of the earth’s orbit, the angle of viewing to elucidate the distance f rom the earth the heavenly body is located. Geometry is a key science in the calculations since the process involves analysing angles and distances to obtain an unknown distance (Finkelstein 2009). Such distances are unverifiable hence the exact distance especially for heavenly bodies to the sun cannot be determined in precision. Another major setback in measurement is lack of coherence in the communication of measurements. In quantum mechanics, disparities occur because of non-compliance with the recent regulations but instead trusting the predefined and pretested strategies. Space and time are aspects that have depicted some major measurement differences because of their reconstruction from observable quantities. This has created massive measurement challenges in quantum mechanics (Gambini and Pullin, 2012). According to the duo, there occur instances when the quantum state of the machine cannot be differentiated from the statistical components throughout the measurements made. Th is dimension of thought predicts the possibility of other errors in the measurement of a physical system. Technology has influenced the way measurements are done in a great way. The advancement in the computing methods has revolutionised the way measurement of physical elements is made. It has become apparent that most of the measuring instruments have been digitised or they have a

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Romance in the workplace Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Romance in the workplace - Research Paper Example (Quinn, 1977) It is important to know that how these workplace romances affect an individual’s productivity and all the negative sides of this phenomenon and positive sides; if there are any. The substance of this prose focuses on this highly intriguing aspect of the society that is gaining so much popularity. The prose will further highlight the positive and negative consequences and how various authors and research analysts view the subject. There has been much debate on the subject and this prose will objectively discuss all facets of workplace romances and how it compromises professionalism in the workplace. II. Literature Review As mentioned earlier, there are a number of researchers who have done substantial amount of researches regarding romance in a professional environment. Robert E. Quinn was the pioneer in producing a prolific research and article that provides ample amount of information on the subject. The study was then followed by Lisa Mainiero, who further disc usses and updates the research conducted by Quinn in 1977 that paves way for an accurate comparative analysis to be drawn and clearly shows how the society has changed from what it was in the 70’s to what it has become now. According to Robert E. Quinn, about 60% of people had either known about a workplace romance or were in such a relationship themselves. A more recent research in to the matter by Lisa Mainiero puts the figure at 76% and this only shows how drastically the numbers have risen. As professional life becomes more and more challenging for an average individual, it often renders them incapable of maintaining a healthy social life. As a result, people usually turn to people in their workplace in search for romance and hence, there are a number of repercussions that an individual experiences. (Mainiero, 1989) Hence, the most commendable fact about the researches done by Mainiero and Quinn is that their hypotheses are backed up by statistical evidences, which not on ly gives qualitative but also quantitative insight in to the subject. Quinn has further stated that only 10% of the cases resulted in increased coordination amongst the employees and led to greater understanding. However, in most cases the romance usually creates more problems in the working environment than benefits. Though, there may be some statistical variation but Quinn’s work is the pioneer and forms the basis for further research. (Mainiero, 1989) III. Study of Human Effectiveness The study of human effectiveness has a strong association with how one function in his or her professional environment. Professional growth is highly important aspect that contributes to self-actualization as hypothesized by John Maslow and this ideology was further propagated by his hierarchy of needs. Therefore, office romances not only hinder one’s ability to view things objectively but also results in nepotism and widespread favoritism in the workplace. The findings of Quinn showed that only 10% of organizations showed increased coordination and understanding amongst employees, however, the remaining 90% of the organizations showed a highly negative impact of workplace romances on the entire fabric of the organization. (Montana & Charnov, 2004, p. 238; Quinn, 1977 cited in Mainiero, 1989) It is human nature when an individual becomes romantically involved with someone in his or her workplace, the individual is likely to become biased and often treat